
At ISL AVENUE® we welcome regular or guest contributors who wish to share their opinion, knowledge, expertise and passion with our community.
Our current contributors include professionals, aficionados, thought leaders, seasoned travellers and experienced consumers.
Visit the About Us and the Share Your Passion pages to learn more about ISL AVENUE® and the topics we cover.
Pitch your idea or interest in ISL AVENUE® using the contact form below.
The team of Editors will review your request and revert back within reasonable time if it is within the scope of ISL AVENUE®.
Consult the FAQ section below to ensure you fit our requirements or to learn more about how it works.
Write To Us ... Write For Us ... Write For You

Contributing To ISL AVENUE - FAQ
ISL AVENUE® is a lifestyle publication with a focus on Food, Men’s & Women’s Fashion, Watches, Motoring, Architecture, Interiors, Culture and Travel to name a few.
To learn more visit our About Us page.
As someone knowledgeable or passionate in a particular field, you can contribute by either writing an article or producing visual content in line with the style of ISL AVENUE®.
The minimum wordcount for published articles is usually around 300 words
The maximum wordcount for published articles is usually around 2000 words
We favour visual content in the form of videos/cinematic videos, photography and infographics but are open to other suggestions you may have.
Whilst we strive to reply to all queries and submissions, a high number of submissions will yield in slower response time.
If we haven’t replied at all after a fair amount of time, it may be that your submission is not in-line with what we do at ISL AVENUE. You could amend or try submitting something different and more around the categories we specialise in.
If your article/content is accepted to be published, you are more than welcome to link to your personal blog if it is relevant to the subject of your article.
Regular contributors have a dedicated author box with a short bio and the option to link to social profiles, personal websites/blog and e-mail address.
Currently ISL AVENUE does not offer monetary rewards to its contributors. However, at the discretion of the Chief Editor, in some specific cases reward may be offered.
Pitch us some of your ideas and expertise in a relevant field along with samples of your work.
Subject to approval, you may be eligible to become a regular contributor after some your content or ideas are published or accepted.