If you share our vision and wish to contribute to ISL AVENUE then we would be glad to hear from you. ISL AVENUE is more than a typical online magazine. It is in itself a lifestyle. Read on if you want to be part of it.
The People We Are Looking For
The ISL AVENUE contributor is someone who is first and foremost passionate about one of the fields we cover while sharing and believing in our vision of influencing people for a more elevated lifestyle.
Our contributors are a mixture of both males and females from different cultural backgrounds. They span from talented people to young professionals to veterans knowledgeable in the areas we specialise in.
NOTE: We currently are interested in finding more contributors in the following fields: MEN’S STYLE, WOMEN’S STYLE, WATCHES, TECHNOLOGY, FOOD and HEALTH. Contact us or send us your piece as detailed below.
The Submission Process
Articles are to be kept generally between 200 to 900 Words but will vary depending of content and presentation style. Please make sure your submissions are original content written by you and also that it has never been published elsewhere on any other platform.
- Attach final Draft of your article (MS Word format accepted) along with pictures (if any) .
- Provide a proposed Title and Sub-Title (if any).
- Write a brief Bio of yourself (The Author) and your name as you wish it to be published.
- Any links to some of your previous work or articles would be appreciated.
E-mail : contribute@islavenue.com
For any other type of content which cannot be sent by E-mail such as videos, send us a pitch about it on the above e-mail address and we shall get back to you if we share an interest in your idea.
What happens next?
The editorial team will review your work and get back to you within two or three weeks if it is deemed post worthy. No Guarantee is given by ISL AVENUE or its editors in publishing your work after receiving it.
Content selected by ISL AVENUE to be published will be subject to editing in any form if required. By submitting your article/content you thereby authorise ISL AVENUE to publish or re-publish the article/content at any point of time.
Good Tips
- If your work has to be published at a specific date include it in your e-mail and subject line.
- If your work has not been published, we advise to send another piece that may interest our audience.
- Use more of an active tone rather than passive tone while writing